Sunday, February 21, 2010

Third Grade Night at the Roxbury

So I'm teaching a lesson in Social Studies up at the board. I finish writing on the board and turn around to see one student in the front of the classroom bobbing his head to a silent beat only beknownst to him. "How odd," I think. I continue my lesson and write something else on the board. A minute later I look back at the class and now there are three students bobbing their heads to the same silent beat. All of a sudden I have a vision of the "Night at the Roxbury" SNL skit. Never mind that these are third graders who are doing the head bobbing and most likely have never seen that skit nor have probably heard of SNL since it's not on Nickelodeon. Here's a link if you need to refresh your memory of SNL days gone by. Needless to say it was hard for me to give those 3 students the evil teacher eye to stop the head bobbing. After class my student teacher and I were able to laugh hysterically about it. Luckily she had seen the SNL skit.