Friday, April 24, 2009

Not a Slave to Fashion

Ok. So I was a leetle beet tired. I'd stayed up until 11:30 last night completing insanely detailed lesson plans for my sub for the week. I worked on the plans for about, oh, 7 hours give or take an hour. We're talkin' detailed!

But I digress. (Symptom of tiredness). Today I was happy to wear comfy jeans to work. (Yeah!) Got dressed in a jiff and ready to go. Out the door we went. Morning went great, kids worked hard, blah, blah, blah.

So, then at recess, my gradelevel bud just happens to take note of my Friday footwear and casually says, "Why are you wearing two different shoes?" Luckily I was able to stay on the bench I was seated on while I laughed so hard I nearly had tears running down my face. I hadn't realized what a fashion fauxpas I'd made until that moment. Now, to give myself some credit, both shoes were sneakers. Both shoes were white. But to look at them from above it's very noticeable how different they look.

Boy did I need that laugh big-time. My gradelevel bud was truly curious about my shoe choice and admitted that she thought maybe I'd done it on purpose to accommodate an orthotic insert or something. Sheesh! It is my 16th year teaching, but gimme a break! That, to me, made my goof even funnier. Only after that did one of my students note the different shoes. I just had to take it in stride, haha! and laugh with them. I'm glad I afforded those around me with a moment of amusement. I count today as a success! Just tryin' to keep everyone on their toes!

1 comment:

  1. I have to add a postscript on this entry - the very next day I ended up breaking my big toe and was stuck in a lovely, what I affectionately called a "uni-shoe." The hospital kind that can be worn on either the left or right foot. So I carried on the 2 different shoe theme for a month after the post, again not on purpose, but still to the amusement of those around me. Luckily they were mostly laughing with me not at me, at least that I know about!
