Thursday, March 19, 2009

U2 sings.."But I Still...Haven't Found...What I'm Lookin' For..."

Ok. So I admit perhaps I've been burning the candle at both ends lately. Work, rehearsals, sleep occasionally, even surviving picture day at work. Today this fact was brought to the forefront. It was time to leave work for the day. It had been a rough day, picture day. Teachers, you know what I'm talking about. If you're not a teacher, ignorance is bliss, shall we say.

Anyway, I called my husband on my cell phone to see how his day was and relay how fun mine had been. While we talked I got together my stuff to take home, one item of which was my purse. I kept chatting while I checked the outside pocket and then frantically the inside pockets of my purse for my car key (found it), and my phone. I couldn't find my phone! Suddenly, my side of the conversation paused for dramatic effect when I realized I really had lost my phone. Then, (finally), my brain synapses refired and I laughed hysterically as I realized the missing phone was being held to my ear, by my hand and being talked into. Kinda like when one goes looking about for one's sunglasses, only to find them located comfortably on top of one's head! Oh man, what a day!

1 comment:

  1. That sounds like a day! That was hilarious Lynneth :D Hope your Friday goes more smooth... love t
