Saturday, February 21, 2009

Some of the Most Frightening Words to Hear as a Parent...

"Guess what I just found in the bathroom??????"

My son said this as he returned to the dinner table tonight. My husband and I looked at each other with a fair amount of unabashed fear in our eyes. The things that went through my mind had to do with bodily fluid accidents via one of our 3 pets... I'm afraid to ask what my husband's guess was. Luckily, and with a huge sigh of relief, our son answered his own question when he heard none from us. "A cricket!" Whew. And it was even still alive... imagine that.


  1. You could FAIL BLOG that! So funny!!

  2. LMAO! At least it was only a cricket. Did it get a one-way ticket to the yard, or did it become a science experiment?

  3. Of course it was released into the back yard. What else would one expect from a child who names bait shrimp, moss and tree seedlings?
